My Time with CDR Joel Tiu in Baghad, Iraq...Feb 2010
Created by romeo o bautista 12 years ago
These pictures were taken in February 2010 inside Camp Liberty Dining Facility during the 215th Supply Corps Birthday Celebration. This simple dinner was attended by fellow Supply Corps Officers and Supply Enlisted personnel assigned in various commands in Baghdad, Iraq. I'm standing next to CDR Tiu (front-row, right side) in the attached group picture.
I saw CDR Tiu a couple of times at Camp Liberty dining facility and he was always so positive and so nice to talk to. I remember CDR Tiu as a very professional Naval Officer, always offering to help out, with a positive attitude and a ready smile on his face. We had a couple of Supply Corps functions while in Iraq and CDR Tiu was always the first to volunteer to help out. We had a few conversations about previous tours and I was impressed at his willingness to take on the hard and challenging assignments.
The Supply Corps and the U.S. Navy lost a gallant and dedicated Naval Officer. I lost a comrade and a friend.
My family's thoughts and prayers are with CDR Tiu's wife, children and family. I am blessed to have had the chance to cross paths with Joel.
Romeo O. Bautista